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Bluegill Comments

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User: djfisherman
Comment: Is it true that if there are more bass in a pond that there are less bluegill... I heard that from my dad but I don't understand how this could be
Date: 08/08/13 11:15 PM

User: bassorbass
Comment: I've always been primarily a bass and catfish angler, fishing for sunfish as flathead cat bait. But lately I've become a real fan of catching these little bruisers on my 5/6weight fly rod. What fun! Now they rank up there as highly as the bass and catfish species as far as I'm concerned.
Date: 12/29/12 06:53 PM

User: troutboy2901
Comment: my first fish was a pickerel
Date: 08/02/12 10:25 AM

User: fisherman98
Comment: These fish are great fish to target if you are teaching a person how to fish. they also don't taste to bad either!
Date: 05/30/12 02:13 AM

User: chris_howell
Comment: love these guys haha
Date: 03/22/12 11:37 PM

User: chance125
Comment: Hahaha. Those things are little but the scurm so much.
Date: 07/29/11 11:58 AM

User: raptor915
Comment: Yup same here,it was the first fish I cought. My son liked his first one so much it ended up in the fish tank.......until it gobbled down ALL my neons & guppys!
Date: 05/09/11 10:35 PM

User: catfish_polak
Comment: they are a fun fish to catch because u can can catch em on practically anything. Caught hundreds maybe thousands of them in my life so far. Definetly the reason i can come home and tell my buddies and family that i caught a fish haha
Date: 04/10/11 08:16 PM

User: steventhegreat
Comment: my dad told me stories of catching them with grass on a hook out of small ponds
Date: 03/30/11 12:21 AM

User: roaminangler
Comment: I think a Bluegill was my first fish also . Alot of private pond and lake owners stock them as forage for their Bass and Catfish in the south . In the early seventies my dad put me in the front of the boat with a flyrod and I caught several that two hands barely landed them . I've seen a few caught by some other folks even bigger . Rubber body and legged flies , small spinners and plugs , worms , crickets , bread and even weenies wii catch 'em . Canepole to fancy ultra lights , any one can pull 'em in
Date: 03/16/11 04:17 PM

User: hansel
Comment: I prefer small pieces of nightcrawler above all else.
Date: 11/13/10 07:35 AM

User: pappy
Comment: Great fish to get kids interested in fishing. I got my son started years ago by finding a bed at Lake Purdy and giving him an ultra light set up with a red worm. He's been ruined ever since (and that's fine since he's old enough to drive me to the water now.)
Date: 07/29/10 02:13 PM

User: smac531
Comment: they are fun to catch with live bait or small lures probally caught over 1000 in my life
Date: 07/06/10 11:20 AM

User: davetroy
Comment: The Bluegill has a greatly compressed, roundish (in profile) body that is typical of the sunfishes. Its color is highly variable and many range from dark blue or bluish-purple to yellow, and in some cases (notably in quarry holes) it may even appear to be clear or colorless. Usually, there are 6-8 vertical bars on the sides, which may or may not be prominent. The gill cover (operculum) peaks into a broad, roundish flap that is black in color; however, it is not surrounded by a lighter colored trim as it is in some other sunfishes. It has the small mouth and head that are typical of sunfish species. The pectoral fins are pointed. Fly fishing for bluegills has become increasingly popular and light tackle anglers have long found it to be one of the best action fish, ounce for ounce, that can be caught.
Date: 05/19/10 08:03 PM

User: linkmak
Comment: damn roaches.... caught 55 of them in 20 minutes on 3 night crawlers
Date: 04/27/10 12:22 PM

User: bullshark
Comment: They are fun to catch until about the 10th one, then it gets old, pretty fast..LOL

Date: 08/13/09 08:46 AM

User: brettinbrookline
Comment: Dirty little worm thieves. But they are fun to catch.
Date: 08/06/09 12:51 PM

User: hammerdoc
Comment: I love Bluegills. I believe that it was the first species I ever caught, and now my eldest daughter can say the same. I like their taste, but most of all, I love that they fight SO hard! Pound-for-pound, I'd bet that this is the hardest fighting species in fresh water!
Date: 09/25/08 06:00 PM

User: ezzej
Comment: I like to cash dluegills with grass shrimps
Date: 05/05/08 07:21 PM

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