
Geza Carr

woodbourne, Massachusetts, USA
Member since August 10th, 2010
I like to catch them bass

General Info

bass fishing/occasional trout fishing
Favorite Fish to Catch
Larry lunkers and bronzebacks
Favorite Type of Fishing
spin casting
Water Type
Favorite Lures
GY Senkos
Fishing Rods
4.5' and 6.5' ugly sticks
Fishing Techniques
soft plastics: slow fishing t rigged plastic worms weightless, crawdad and grub jigs
Favorite Fishing Spot
kettle pond, groton state forest VT
Favorite Video
largemouth bass feeding display
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Geza Carr's Latest Reports

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Me and Matt decided to make a trip out to stump for some fall bassin'. I was wary because of the wind so I wanted to launch from the less dangerous eastern side of the pond. We had to find a path through the woods to steer clear of the construction area.

Once we were in, Matt promptly hooks up on a nice lil pounder. Then the wind blew us into the pads where I caught my first fish of the day, about 1lb 5 oz. We then paddled our way to the other side of the pond which was more sheltered. I switched over to a jig and Matt switched to a floating rap. Although we saw a lot of action going on there, we werent able to get anything in the boat except one small bass I caught.

Next spot we tried was a patch of stumps in front of the small nearby island where I boated a nice 1 1/2 pounder on the bitsy flippin jig. Our next course of action was to move into the treacherous stump field beyond the island. This is when our trip went afoul.

We tried a spot just beyond the island for a bit with no results. We agreed to park at the island so I could take a leak before we ventured further into the abyss. That's when we got stuck on a stump (not the first time this has happened here). We were stuck pretty bad and in the process of trying to get unstuck we ended up teetering too far sideways, causing both of us to be ejected from the boat! DOH!

Luckily, since the canoe didnt flip over completely, we were able to salvage nearly all of our stuff. Although, Matt did lose a few spoons. We walked the canoe which was full of water and floating tackle to the island where we dried off and organized our stuff. Luckily the digital camera was sealed in a ziplock bag in my pocket and ended up staying completely dry! We had two beers left so we decided to pound them to medicate the recent horrible trauma of flipping.

Once we were back on the water it was glass and the sun was starting to go down. I was feeling better and wanted to stick it out and catch some more fish because it was looking like PRIMETIME. Matt agreed reluctantly so we pressed on.
I casted a watermelon senko perfectly in between two stumps and FISH ON. A beautiful two and a half pounder. Then Matt started honing in on em'. A 2 and a few ones for him. I got another pounder and a dink and, feeling like troopers, we called it a night.

We did get soaked, but I was proud that we A: managed to salvage virtually all of our gear and B: stuck it out to put some more fish in the boat!

Posted 12 years ago

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Went on a solo canoe mission to Farm pond the other morning. Got in around 7:45. Nice calm morning. Caught a little 12in Largemouth on my 3rd cast in the northern cove where the launch is. Stuck to that area for a bit longer and was rewarded handsomely. I cast a black w blue flk senko out towards the middle of the cove, let it soak and then as soon as I lifted it I saw a big swirl and felt a little tug. I waited a few seconds and then set the hook on another Farm pond HAWG. Soon as I saw how big he was I loosened up my drag and let him tire himself out. By the time I got him to the boat and had my hand in his mouth I saw that the hook had come out. Thank Christ I was just in the nick of time! This piggy weighed in at 4lbs 11 oz. Snapped some shots and was sure to get the slob back in the water quickly. It's friggin hard to get a good pic when they're that big!
The rest of the day ended up being fairly productive with a few 2's, a 1 1/2 and a couple pounders. Also caught a few slime darts. Finished up around 12 with 8 bass total and 2 picks.

Posted 13 years ago

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After the last trip I just couldn't wait to get back in here! Took the GF this time. We got in around 4:00 and fished till 7:15. I caught about 10 and Deirdre caught 1 nice one, biggest of her fishing career so far. She did have a lot of hookups, including one that broke her line. All the fish were over 1 pound except one dink. We also had 3 that were 2 lbs or better. Ran into some ladys taking a walk on our way in and they said the ramp was still closed. You gotta paddle through some thick stuff to get in the back way, but it's totally do-able in a small canoe or kayak.

Posted 13 years ago

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Finally made it out to this place after hearing so many good things about it. Cant believe it took me this long to get out there! Place definitely lived up to its reputation as being one of the most unique, productive, and challenging Largemouth fisheries in the state.

The day started like this: my buddy Matt called me yesterday morning and told me he wanted to hit up brookline res today and then stump tomorrow. I said that I was busy tomorrow, so today would be a much better day for me to take a trip out to stump so he decided to blow off his other plans and we hopped in the car later that afternoon en route to A 1.

Had to stop by Dick's in Natick to get a new rod because my previous one (6' ugly) bit it. I upgraded to the 6.5' and bought some senkos and we were back on the road again.

I was a little apprehensive as to how we were going to get in to this place because I kept hearing that the ramp was closed, but someone had tipped me off on another way to sneak a canoe in. I scoped it on google maps and it looked promising so sure enough it worked out. Got there around 4:45. We had a bit of a walk, but it was not too bad really. The place where we put it was unbelievably weedy and shallow so we had to heave a little bit and then paddle through the weeds. The pond is aptly named; stumps and trees everywhere, some sticking out of the water, some just barely submerged so you dont notice until you're literally right on top of them. Anyway, absolutely perfect bass habitat. Cover and structure everywhere!

I connected with my first LMB about ten or fifteen minutes in. A fat little pounder hanging out on the edge of the shallows about 20 yds from shore. We continued moving up the shoreline where I connected with three more Largemouth and Matt finally got his first fish of the day. All were 1-1.5 lbs. I also had something bite my worm in half, maybe a pike I thought. At that point the water was glass. Fish were jumping everywhere and I saw some HUGE ones surfacing out in the middle, so we cautiously paddled our way out there where we had the best double hook up I have ever had. Dual 2.5 pounders! Fifteen minutes later I connected with the last and biggest fish of the trip: a solid 3 pounds. Matt fished a jitter for a little while after that, but it was gettin real dark so we had to call it quits.

So we got 8 fish in a little over 2 hours, almost all were over 1 pound. Cant wait to hit this place up again!

Posted 13 years ago

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went on a nice camping trip with some old VT friends at my favorite smallmouth pond. It was chilly and the action wasn't as hot as I hoped. I did catch this one real nice Sally along with some smaller ones. I also lost a few that felt pretty huge.
The fish in this pond are friggin escape artists!

Posted 13 years ago

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real wet one today! decided to kill some time at buckmaster even though it was raining pretty good. the fishing has always been good there on cool, rainy days like today plus I had the whole pond to myself. fished for about 3 hours and boated 10 bass and one mean pickerel. this pond has always provided good steady action for me, but fish over 3 pounds are definitely rare. biggest today was maybe 1.5. caught most of the fish in and near the pads on the northern end of the pond

Posted 13 years ago

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Went out to Farm pond this morning. Got there around 9 am. Sunny and dry, wind was calm (at first). Very slow bite today. Started out fishing a Strike King Bitsy Bug jig with a GY Flappin Hog trailor. I was killen em' with this rig yesterday but today nothin doin.

I thought about trying some topwater baits, but I saw no fish surfacing probably due to the chilly air last night so I switched over to a 5" senko.... Still nothin.... Continued working my way down the eastern side of the pond when I finally connect with a small LMB. He was sitting in the shade under a tree about 5-7 feet away from the shore. I'm thinking "ok finally got somethin' goin here" so I stuck to the same general area for a bit, throwing the black no flake senko.

I wasn't getting any bites but felt confident there were more fish in the area. My plan was to switch to a different color senko and if that didn't work, switch back to the jig. I switch to a watermelon black and red, cast out about 30 feet and BAM! A fish instantly picks it up and this time its a good one, a real good one. I almost had her to the boat when just like that, POOF! She was gone. My heart sank.

Feeling utterly defeated I continued to press on. I knew that due to the slow action of the day, that may have been my only shot at landing a lunker, but I was determined to have another go at boating one of these infamous Farm pond piggies.

I fished all the way to the southern end of the pond with barely even a nibble to show for it. At this point the wind began to pick up big time. I decided to switch to a jig and fish the western side of the pond on my way back up..... No dice.

I got back near the northern end of the pond and since the wind was coming out of the northwest, the water was much calmer there. I switched back to the senko and let the wind take me down a little. I finally hooked up on and landed a chunky 1lb 3 oz Largie. He hit as I was reeling in and gave a nice little fight. Not the fish I was looking for but, hey, the way things were going I was just glad to get a keeper sized fish in the boat.

I fished for some time after that in the same vicinity and didn't get anything else. It was about 2:00 at that point and I had to get home, so I pretty much decided to call it quits. On the way back I noticed this big pile of mud and muck sticking out of the water in the area near the boat launch. This is just about the best structure your gonna find in this pond, so I suspected it may hold a fish or two. I cast my senko in front of it, looked away for a second and then looked back to see my line had darted off to the right. I set the hook and it was ON! The way it was fighting I thought it might be a big pickerel at first, but then it made a spectacular leap out of the water. Definitely NOT a pickerel. She was a big, beautiful LMB! And this time I wasn't going to let her get away! I loosened my drag, in case she tried to make a run for it she jumped clean out of the water two more times and swam under the boat. I finally tired the fish out and got her in boat. I had hooked her perfectly right in the middle of her lower lip. 4.2 on the scale. Thing had a nice big bucket mouth. Perfect release too. I watched her swim away and that was that. Sure am glad I decided to make that last cast!

Posted 13 years ago

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Didnt have a whole lot of time today so I went out to Buckmaster as its small, reliable, and close to home. I knew there would be a good bite today with the overcast skies and all the rain yesterday. I was able to boat 6 bass in under two hours. 3 short ones and 3 keepers: a 1 lb 3oz, 1lb 5 oz, and a 1lb 7oz. All the keepers came in and around the pads on senkos.

Posted 24 years ago

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Was back in VT this weekend. This time I decided to head out to my favorite smallmouth pond. I've had a lot of good luck here throughout the years since I was about 7 years old (this is where I learned to fish) and I happen to know that there are some absolute BRUTES in this pond, the likes of which I was about to encounter.

I started fishing along the shoreline which produced a few small sallys. I then moved to a spot out in the middle where there are some rocks sticking out of the water. This spot has almost always produced nice smallmouth and today was no different. On my third cast I hook into a real nice one. I didnt detect the bite because she ran right at me, leaving the line slack, but once I started reeling I knew something was up. I finally caught up to her and got my line tight. What a great fight, diving, thrashing, jumping. I love me some smallmouth bass! She weighed in at 2lbs 2oz
I tried some other spots with no luck, so I went back out to the same spot and just like that I hook into another one and this one was bigger. A lot bigger. Early into the fight the fish jumped a good four feet out of the water and it looked like it could have been bigger than any smallie I've ever caught. Once I got her close to the boat she dove way down under into some rocks and wouldnt move. I kept pulling and then my line snapped.

I'd been beaten by the fish. But I know she's still out there and next time she is not getting away so easy.

Posted 13 years ago

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Another trip to my favorite VT LMB honey hole resulted in my second biggest fish of the year (4lbs even), my biggest this year also came out of this pond in the springtime. Although I didnt have a scale then, I know that it weighed more because sometimes you just know.

After catching a couple small bass right off the bat, I moved into the mouth of the northwestern cove. There is some deeper water there, so I threw a black senko and let it sit on the bottom for minute. I lifted and let it fall again and thats when my line started shooting out. Feeling confident that this was a fish, I made a strong hook set. I could tell the fish was big right away because as it made its first run it nearly pulled the rod out of my hands! She then dove into the weeds at the bottom and wouldnt move. I made sure to keep tension on the line so she wouldnt pull a fast one on me. Had to keep doing the old reel and lift for a while till I finally got her out of the weeds. She dove under the boat forcing me to put half my rod in the water, then she darted around which made me have to twist my body (I was really wishing I had a spinning seat). I brought the fish to the surface and she made a couple more tired attempts to escape. I lipped her and pulled her into the boat. 4lbs even on my scale. I snapped some quick shots. Although I found it difficult to get all of the fish in the frame I knew I had to get this beauty back in the water and so I did and off she swam.

After that I proceeded to catch a couple pounders and a couple better (a 1.6 and a 1.5) fish on senkos. It was getting dark so I switched to top water, first throwing a frog. I got some great hits on the frog, but wasnt able to get anything in the boat. I switched to a jitter and caught a couple more small fish and called it a night.

Another memorable trip to Baker for sure. This pond is always a ton of fun

Posted 13 years ago

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