Walleye Details

Walleye Source: Raver, Duane. http://images.fws.gov. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Stizostedion vitreum
  • Common Names: Pike Perch, Walleyed Pike, Jackfish, Dore
  • Water Temp: 38 - 60 Degrees
  • World Record: 25 lbs - 0 oz
  • Last Modified By: pramsey on 09/06/10 12:19 PM
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Baits and Tackle for Walleye

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Walleye Description

The walleye prefers moderately deep lakes with gravel, rock or sandy bottoms. It is found primarily in cold water lakes but has proven to survive in some warmer water impoundments. It is prized for its great tasting white, flaky flesh.

Walleye Fishing Waters In New Hampshire

The Connecticut River is probably the best option for walleye fishing in NH. Other rivers and some of the lakes record catches of walleye but it is sparse. The New Hampshire state record walleye was taken out of the Connecticut River.

New Hampshire walleye spawn in spring and when they have the option will choose to migrate from the lake up into feeder streams to spawn. If this option is not available they seek out shallow bars or shoals with clean bottom surfaces near deep water.

This toothy fish will eat virtually anything it can catch and get in its mouth. They prefer small fish and will eat crustaceans, worms and insects. They tend to be somewhat wary and prefer the safety of deeper darker water. Try fishing for walleye from sundown to midnight, particularly during the heat of summer.

Fish for New Hampshire walleye with live bait, crankbaits, spoons, small spinner baits as well as plastic worms and grubs.

How To Fish For Walleye

Top Baits: Small crankbaits, small jigs and plastic worms.
Fish shallow to moderate depths as the walleye move into the shallows to spawn. Gravel ledges, points and submerged humps in protected areas are prime holding areas.

Top Baits: Crankbaits, Jigs and plastic worms.
Fish shallow in the mornings and evenings and move deeper as the sun rises. Use lures that mimic crawfish as this is a favorite food of the walleye. Follow points and rocky or gravel structure deeper until you establish the proper depth.

Top Baits: Jigs, crankbaits and spoons.
Fish shallow to moderate depths in the mornings and evenings. As the sun rises move deeper toward outside structure and use small spoons or jigs.

Top Baits: Jigs, spoons and plastic worms.
Try moderately shallow depths in the mornings then move deeper as the sun rises. Walleyes are less active in cold water, so move your bait in a slow, easy to catch manner and fish deep structure.

-Massachusetts State Record is 11 lbs 0 oz caught by Robert Methot in 1975 at Quabbin Reservoir

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